Apple iPads/FAQ

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Workspace ONE Basics

I'm new to Workspace ONE. How can I learn more about it?

You can view a 58 minute video tutorial on using Workspace ONE that was recorded in September of 2020 here:

Another training session was held in October of 2022:

How do I get an account to login to Worksapce ONE?

If you are just receiving iPads for the first time and you do not have a login account, please email and copy and your principal and we will create an account for you. If your school has had iPads, but someone else previously managed them, try to ask that person or your principal for the login credentials.

Can we have two people at our school with logins to Workspace ONE?

Yes. If multiple people at your school will be managing iPads, we recommend that each person have their own login account to Workspace ONE. Please email and copy and your principal and we will create an account for you.

I forgot my password to Workspace ONE.

Please email and be sure to let us know the username that you use to login to Workspace ONE.

What does it mean to "enroll" an iPad? What username and password should I use?

You enroll an iPad when you open the Hub app and login using the enrollment credentials. For most iPads, they are enrolled when they are initially deployed and their enrollment doesn't ever change. However, if you ever perform a Device Wipe, you will need to re-enroll the iPad.

Each school is assigned a four or five character abbreviation for their school name which is used in the enrollment account. For example, enrollment accounts for student iPads at Good Shepherd Catholic Academy are: GSCA-STUD001, GSCA-STUD002, GSCA-STUD003, etc. And teacher iPads are enrolled with accounts: GSCA-TEAC001, GSCA-TEAC002, GSCA-TEAC003, etc.

Each enrollment account can only be used to enroll one iPad. If you try to enroll an iPad using an account that has already been used to enroll another iPad, you will receive an error which states: "The Operation couldn't be completed." If you perform a Device Wipe on an iPad, that enrollment account is "released" and can be used to enroll that same iPad or a different iPad.

In Workspace ONE, I see an iPad with STAGING in the name. What does that mean?

The most likely reason for this is that someone did a factory reset (either by issuing the Device Wipe command from Workspace ONE or by choosing Reset All Content and Settings from the iPad under Settings, General, Reset) and did not re-enroll the iPad. As soon as you re-enroll the iPad, the name will change to the enrollment username.

What is the Hub app? How is it used?

The Hub (aka Intelligent Hub) app  is one of two apps that are installed automatically the first time each iPad is powered on. The Hub app is used to enroll the iPad (which installs all other apps). The Hub app requires iOS version 12.2, so if you are running an older version of iOS, you should upgrade as soon as possible.

If you open the Hub app, you can see the enrollment account ID and also the date and time when the app last checked in with Workspace ONE (if you do not see that, tap the left-pointing-arrow in the upper left corner of the screen).

You can also use the Hub app to test connectivity to Workspace ONE by tapping on This Device and then tapping Send Data.

If you open the Hub app and it prompts you to enter a username and password (the enrollment credentials), but you do not know what to enter, send an email to and include the serial number of the iPad.

If you do not see the Hub app on an iPad, open Settings and look in the upper left corner. You should see a message like this:

If you do not see a message like that, this iPad was not provided by or managed by DeSales Media.

What is the Catalog app? How is it used?

The Catalog app  is one of two apps that are installed automatically the first time each iPad is powered on. It shows each app which has been assigned to the iPad along with its installation status. Users can also manually install apps from the Catalog app if they are not automatically deployed from Workspace ONE.

The Catalog app is a useful troubleshooting tool when deploying apps, because if you are expecting an app to be deployed to an iPad, but you do not see it in the Catalog, then most likely the app is not deployed correctly. If you do see the app in the Catalog, but it is not installed on the iPad, it may be due to one of the following:

  • Slow Internet bandwidth: recommended to connect to a Wi-Fi network with a fast and reliable Internet connection
  • Lack of available storage space on the iPad: recommended to remove unneeded apps or media files
  • Unsupported version of iOS: recommended to upgrade the iOS on the iPad
  • Other reason which cannot be explained: recommended to perform a Device Wipe on the iPadThe information displayed in the Catalog app will be very similar to the information you see in Workspace ONE by navigating to Device List, clicking on the name of an iPad, then clicking on the Apps tab. The information might not match exactly, because Workspace ONE can sometimes show outdated information - this occurs when the status of an app or configuration changes on the iPad, but it has not updated Workspace ONE right away.
Is it possible for me to see what would display in the Catalog app on an iPad?

Yes. This will be available in the summer of 2021:

What is an Organization Unit (OU)?

Workspace ONE uses a hierarchical structure for its configuration - similar to branches on a tree. Each school has an Organizational Unit (OU), which is like a container for its devices, Profiles, Smart Groups, and apps. Within each school's OU are sub-OUs for Students and Teachers. Some schools also have an OU for Chromebooks, but these were only created for testing; we ultimately decided not to use Workspace ONE to manage Chromebooks.

The administrator at each school has an account which has permissions to view everything within the school's OU and also within all sub-OUs. The administrator cannot view elements associated with other branch OUs or higher-level OUs, because they belong to other schools.

At the top level, is an OU for DeSales Media Group and at this level, there are Smart Groups, policies, and apps which are assigned to your school, but you do not have the ability to modify them. For example, in the image below, you can see two Assignment Groups which are managed at the DeSales Media Group level.

What is an Assignment Group? What is a Smart Group?

The primary purpose of an Assignment Group is to identify a group of devices to which an app or Profile will be assigned. There are two types of Assignment Groups: Smart Groups (membership is dynamic and varies based on elements of the device or user) and Organizational Units (membership is determined based on where the device exists in the OU structure.

To add, view, or modify Assignment Groups, login to Workspace ONE, click Groups & Settings (in the menu column on the left), click Groups, and then click Assignment Groups. You can create as many Smart Groups as you like for your school. A common use of Smart Groups it to create one group for each app that you deploy. You assign the app to the Smart Group and then you can add only the iPads to the Smart Group which need the app. This prevent you from having to deploy every app to every iPad and saves storage space on the iPads.

What is the Cisco Security Connector app?

It prevents anyone from accessing inappropriate content (pornography, gambling, hate speach, etc.) on the Internet - even if the user is trying to hide their activity through the use of encryption or a proxy server. It enforces security regardless of how or from where the iPad is connecting to the Internet. Although this is a very good security tool, a creative and determined individual could potentially find a way around it.

When I open the Hub app, it prompts me to enter an Email Address or Server or to scan a QR Code.

This happens when the iPad has become deprovisioned from Workspace ONE. Typically, the only way to resolve this issue is to wipe and re-enroll the iPad. Because it has lost its ability to communicate with Workspace ONE, you must wipe it manually from the iPad.

From the Home Screen, tap Settings, then General, then Reset, and then choose Erase All Content and Settings. Once the iPad reboots, it will automatically install the Hub app and it will have re-established its communication to Workspace ONE, so you will be able to re-enroll the iPad.

Occationally, when the iPad is in this state, it will automatically begin a software update of several installed apps. You must wait until this software update completes before you can Erase All Content and Settings. The software update will complete faster if you connect the iPad to a Wi-Fi network.

If this doesn't resolve the issue, or if you do not see the option to Erase All Content and Settings in the Reset menu, then you will need to send an email to with the serial number and a description of the steps you have tried so far.

Workspace ONE Features

How can I reset the passcode on an iPad?

From Workspace ONE, click on Devices (in the menu on the left), click List View, click the name of the iPad, click More Actions (in the far upper right), under the heading Clear Passcode, choose Device.

When students try to use Google Classroom, they get a message saying they need to add a passcode to the iPad.

When trying to use Google Classroom, students may see a message which states "Your org requires you to set a passcode on this device...". There are two ways you could solve this problem: 1. Log into Google Admin and remove the requirement for a passcode. 2. Log into Workspace ONE and allow a passcode to be set on student iPads.

The downside to allowing students to set passcodes on their iPads is that inevitably, some students will forget their passcode and you will end up spending a lot of time resetting passcodes. The easier solution is to log into, click Device Management, Password Settings, and uncheck the box for Require Users to Set a Password.